Help Bring Aid into Gaza with VPP

Green Bay, Wisconsin


11% funded

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$300,000.00 USD goal
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Help Bring Aid into Gaza with VPP


11% funded

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Category: Persecuted Christians

Start Date: June 19, 2024

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Please watch the following video from VPP showing the plight of Christians in Gaza (note - you will need to sign in to Youtube because the video is "age restricted" due to intense content):

The Need
Throughout the past few weeks, Jason Jones, the founder and director of The Vulnerable People Project, has been traveling throughout the Middle East. Thankfully, during his trip Jason was able to secure permission to bring trucks of aid into Gaza to distribute to the starving people there. The Vulnerable People Project was founded to serve the most vulnerable people in some of the most difficult times and places, yet according to Jason Jones, securing permission to bring aid into Gaza right now was one of the hardest tasks VPP has faced so far.

Each truck costs approximately $33,000 USD, and we have permission to bring up to 10 trucks into Gaza each month. A generous donor has already donated the funds for one truck. For security reasons, details of the time and place of the deliveries cannot yet be shared, but we will update our supporters after the deliveries are made successfully.

Each truck contains the following:
Rice, sugar, oil, lentils, beans, pasta, tomato sauce, tea, milk, dates, chickpeas, sardines, flour, and salt.

These are the basic staples needed to alleviate one of the largest food crises in the world happening right now in Gaza.

Please join in with VPP to show the most vulnerable in Gaza that they are not forgotten.

Learn more about The Vulnerable People Project's work here:

The Vulnerable People Project is a program of Hero Inc, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with EIN 26-1209762. All donations are 100% tax-deductible. VPP's financial processing runs under the name of its sister program, Movie to Movement, so credit card statements may show that name as well.

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