Lenten almsgiving for Africa chastity programs

Pueblo, Colorado


2% funded

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$10,000.00 USD goal
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Lenten almsgiving for Africa chastity programs


2% funded

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Category: Pro-Life

Start Date: June 23, 2023


Keep the CHASTITY message strong in Africa and save lives! The A-B-C (Abstinence-Be faithful in marriage-through Christ) of Universal Chastity Education (UCE) has been brought to youth for 20 years in AFRICA. Chastity is 100% pro-life. 

·        Chastity combats AIDS, STDs, abortion, human trafficking, teen pregnancy, school drop-outs, and polygamy. Girls and boys stay in school and thrive. Headmasters beg UCE teams to visit their schools. 

Chastity builds relationship with Christ, health, positive peer relationships, faithful marriages, vocations, and builds character

Since its founding in 2004, over 800,000 young people have signed commitments to chastity through UCE outreaches led by African teams. Teams are trained, motivated, and highly effective as they live and model the "chastity life" to youth. Your donation will fund ongoing UCE programs in Uganda, Burundi and Tanzania. 

·      UCE has high-level endorsements:  Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala (Uganda), Bishop Tarcisius Ngalalekumtwa (Tanzania) and Archbishop Martin Blaise Nyaboho (Burundi) as well as multiple bishops and other Christian clergy in Africa and the USA have signed full endorsement of UCE.

·       UCE depends solely on private donors. 

UCE answers youth's questions with correct medical facts about the risks of sexual activity outside of marriage. 

UCE believes that "Our God is a God of second chance" and that we all can change through the strength of Christ.


·       Give UCE your full support: $350 sponsors one team outreach to a school in rural Africa, reaching hundreds (watch video above) $100 buys radio time for testimonies, and $50 buys 300 chastity commitment cards that the kids sign and retain. $35 towards gas and unexpected repairs, $1000 funds 4 outreaches over 2 days, $3000 donation brings chastity to an entire district with over a full week of outreaches to schools.

·       Support UCE: a godly, wholesome, positive ministry that brings youth to Christ.  

Every donation of every amount builds UCE. Very large donations will sustain the UCE ministry into the future. Your donation to UCE is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Too good to be true? Nope, it's true. Come, join us!

Click the video above and watch the recent Global News Alliance news report (4 min), "Celebrating 20 Years of Combating AIDS in Africa" and see UCE in action!

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