Help Send Stephen to the Catholic Psychotherapy Association National Conference so HE CAN BECOME A GREAT CATHOLIC THERAPIST!!
Stephen Cyr is an incredible young man, having grown up in an active pro-life family, a leader at different pro-life youth camps, chosen for top character awards in high school, and recently graduated from Thomas Aquinas College in California, where he was the lead male Prefect on campus. He loves helping people!
Stephen currently works at a Mental Health hospital in Denver where he enjoys showing love and kindness to those who are suicidal, depressed, addicted, abused and needing some love and smiles shown their way. By the help of God, Stephen recently saved two patients there. While working full-time, Stephen is in an online Masters program for becoming a Catholic therapist.
To help with Stephen's journey to become a GREAT Catholic therapist, he would love to attend the annual CPA Conference April 28-30th in Minneapolis, MN.
The Catholic Psychological Association (CPA) is a network of dedicated Catholic therapists, who come together each year for spiritual and emotional renewal, learning, praying and networking. Stephen would love to attend this wonderful conference, so he can get plugged into the Catholic therapy community, thus helping his formation as an effective and counter-cultural Catholic therapist.
The three-day conference, flight and hotel will be approximately $1,000. Thank you and God bless you and your family!