Help Catholic School Board Trustee in his time of need

Caledonia, Ontario


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Help Catholic School Board Trustee in his time of need


5% funded

Campaign beneficiary:

Michael Del Grande

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Campaign Life Coalition

National Pro-life organization advocating for the legal protection of every human life from conception to natural death. We aim to educate public consciousness, elect pro-life leaders, and support pro-life laws and policies in Canada and abroad. We organize the Canadian National #Marchforlife and coordinate #LifeChain in Canada

Category: Persecuted Christians

Start Date: November 20, 2024

NOTE: The following article by LifeSiteNews co-founder, John-Henry Westen, provides an excellent summary on Trustee Mike Del Grande's dire financial situation and the urgent need for the pro-life-and-family community to help cover his legal costs.

There exists a certain truth that I’ve seen play out over and over during my years of reporting on Church issues.

It’s this… absolutely nobody is more hateful and destructive to the Catholic Church than “professional Catholics” who reject her teachings against homosexuality.  

Even more than those who spurn Church teaching on divorce, contraception, or abortion, it’s the pro-LGBT professed Catholics who stand out, unmatched in their vindictiveness and ruthless assault on Church doctrine… and anyone who stands in their way.  

Think of the homosexual Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who is responsible for the Vatican’s secretive deal with the CCP dictatorship that abandoned millions of underground Chinese Catholics to brutal state persecution. 

Think also of the Renfrew Catholic School Board in Ontario where, in 2023, officials permanently expelled Grade 11 student Josh Alexander after he stated in class his Christian belief that there are only two genders and that male students shouldn’t be allowed in female washrooms. The pro-transgender “Catholic” board deprived this 16-year-old of completing his education, even to this very day. 

The latest vengeful assault on faithful Catholics comes from the pro-LGBT trustees at the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB). Yes, these are the same trustees who voted to fly the LGBT “pride” flag at every school. One of them even marched in Toronto’s 2024 “pride” parade!  

Well, yesterday, the TCDSB informed Trustee Michael Del Grande that they will not wait for the Supreme Court of Canada to decide on his appeal. The TCDSB is moving to enforce full and immediate payment of the cost awards from the two lower courts, totaling $187,500, even before the Supreme Court hears the case.  

As LifeSiteNews has previously reported, Del Grande filed a lawsuit to overturn the TCDSB’s finding of “guilt” – and extreme sanctions – on allegations that he had committed “misconduct” for objecting to the addition of “gender identity” and “gender expression” as protected categories in Catholic schools.   

Del Grande is in shock. 

Well, Michael was wrong to count on their reasonableness or goodwill.   

The TCDSB is demanding he immediately pay the cost awards, plus interest, from the date of the 2023 divisional court ruling, bringing the total to $200,000. 

I’ve never seen such a merciless, spiteful bunch of malcontents in all my life!   

Michael does not have that money, and didn’t think he’d need to pay it so soon, given the Supreme Court appeal. Nor did he ever imagine his “colleagues” would demand interest! 

The TCDSB already put him in an ambulance with a heart incident once, thanks to their witch hunt against him and all the stress it caused. They’re not satisfied to nearly kill him however. It appears they want to make him homeless too.  

Michael submitted himself to persecution in order to defend Holy Mother Church and to protect the next generation from being indoctrinated to embrace sinful ideology. 

In reality, he stepped in to fill the vacuum of leadership left by the cardinal archbishop of Toronto who cowered and hid during the “gender identity” motion. This soft martyrdom should have been the cardinal’s to suffer, not Mike’s. 

As a community of pro-life believers, we cannot let Michael Del Grande fall into financial ruin. We must come to this hero’s aid. 

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