Help Trustee Del Grande Go To the Supreme Court of Canada

Toronto, Ontario


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Help Trustee Del Grande Go To the Supreme Court of Canada


58% funded

Campaign beneficiary:

Michael Del Grande

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Campaign Life Coalition

National Pro-life organization advocating for the legal protection of every human life from conception to natural death. We aim to educate public consciousness, elect pro-life leaders, and support pro-life laws and policies in Canada and abroad. We organize the Canadian National #Marchforlife and coordinate #LifeChain in Canada

Category: Persecuted Christians

Start Date: November 6, 2024

Mike Del Grande's heroic battle is moving forward.

But first we have some bad news... and some good news.

The bad news is that the Court of Appeals of Ontario has dismissed Trustee Mike Del Grande’s lawsuit against the Toronto Catholic District School Board. (The legal action was launched over the TCDSB finding him guilty of “misconduct” for speaking against a motion to add Transgender Ideology to the board’s Code of Conduct policy.)

Even worse, the judges ruled that he has to pay a $47,500 cost award to the TCDSB.

The good news however, is that Michael is willing to finish the race and fight this all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada… if CLC and its supporters stand behind him! A victory at the Supreme Court would also reverse all the cost awards made against him to date, including the $140,000 cost that the lower court awarded to the TCDSB.

We’re so glad about Michael’s willingness to keep fighting. Wouldn’t it be a shame to walk off the field in the seventh inning, just because the umpire made a bad call and we’re down a run? Mike has come this far already. Don’t you agree he needs to go the full nine innings and get the job done? 

St. Paul admonished all Christians to “finish the race”. (2 Timothy 4:6-8) 

Well, Trustee Del Grande is certainly modelling this teaching. After reading the decision and listening to his legal team’s advice about the path they believe exists for a win at the Supreme Court level, he told CLC:

If I know that I’ve got a supportive team behind me, I’m willing to go all the way”.

It’s especially inspiring to see this attitude from Mike, given how much he has been made to suffer physically and emotionally by the virulently anti-Catholic trustees on his board.

A couple of years ago, the board persecuted him so badly, and trashed his reputation so publicly, that it almost killed him. The stress of it all put him in an ambulance where they had to use electric paddles on his heart.

But Del Grande didn’t quit.

He kept fighting for his religious freedom, free speech, and the right of Catholic schools to operate in an authentically Christian environment.

It’s going to cost potentially another $100,000 for our hero to fight this in the Supreme Court. However, Mike doesn’t have the money for it.

So, it depends on you to decide if you’ll be on his “team”, to help him get that ninth inning win.

If we can raise the necessary funding for Mike’s legal defense, this martyr for the faith will step forward to the Supreme Court.

But if we can’t raise the money, he’ll have to abandon the fight, pay the TCDSB their cost awards as granted by the court, and give up. Nobody will ever know if the nine Supreme Court justices might have ruled in his favour.

Although victory can’t be guaranteed, CLC has reviewed the legal strategy proposed by Michael’s lawyers, and we believe it’s sound. Certainly, quitting so close to the end, after three levels of court, would be a crying shame!

Therefore, today, Campaign Life Coalition is launching this brand-new crowdfunding campaign on the Life Funder platform.  

Please pray for Michael and ask God to guide your response to this appeal.

God Bless!

NOTE: All donations (less credit card / processing fees) will be used to cover Michael Del Grande's legal costs. If you wish to make a donation offline, contact Campaign Life Coalition at 1-800-730-5358 or mail a cheque to: Campaign Life Coalition, 157 Catharine St. N., 2nd Floor, Hamilton, ON, L8L 4S4. Please make it payable to 'Campaign Life Coalition' and include "Mike Del Grande" in the memo field. Campaign Life Coalition has set up this crowdfunding page on his behalf.

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