Derby, Kansas
Create a personal goal to help raise money for this fundraiser. Learn more
Create a peer-to-peer fundraiserCreate a personal goal to help raise money for this fundraiser. Learn more
Create a peer-to-peer fundraiserStart date: November 21, 2023
Initial goal: $10k, almost reached by Dec 2024
Goal increased to: $35k in Dec 2024 for year 2025
PLEASE NOTE: All Saints Ministries relies on providence and generous donations to do the work of the Blessed Mother. Operation expenses total about $4200 a month.
Hello everyone!
Thank you for taking a look at my New Year fundraiser! This fundraiser is to help me raise enough money to keep the All Saints Ministry (ASM) running smoothly into the New Year and to reach as many people as possible.
The goal is to raise at least $35,000 which would let ASM take a breath and then get to work planning the next projects. One of those projects is to continue to develop Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Army (OLGA) which will focus on battling abortion worldwide spiritually. Priests in every single timeline worldwide will sign up to say Masses every single day for tue end of abortion. Imagine how powerful that would be?! And I won’t stop there! I have plenty more in the works.
I'll be honest. Fundraising for ASM has been a challenge this last year. Nearly every month we get close to running out of funds before the month ends. We simply do not bring in enough money consistently to cover monthly expenses while also saving for the future month/s. God has been generous and gotten us this far, thanks to many of you! Raising enough to run for at least a few months at a time would be a GAME CHANGER for ASM!!!
If we can raise this amount of money, this would help ASM get off the financial hamster wheel so I can work on my other projects and continue to do this important work like:
Please help me reach my goal so my team and I can continue to operate into the year and help countless more people! While I have a suggested donation amount of $100, please only give the amount you’re comfortable with.
God bless you! Please pray for the ministry and know that I’m praying for you.
All Saints Ministry
Ps- Want to learn how to successfully close down abortion mills?? Consider buying my book where I teach you just that. Don’t forget to check out the T-shirts and help me spread the word!
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