What is Peer-to-Peer fundraising?

Peer-to-Peer fundraising is...

An organized way to share the funding goal by turning one person’s campaign into multiple campaigns!

What is P2P?

Many hands help make the work lighter! Divide and conquer! Share the load!

However you want to say it... Peer-to-Peer (P2P) means taking your campaign to a new level where friends, family and colleagues join your campaign AS CAMPAIGNERS! It puts real people into your campaign “brand”, enabling them to reach their own circles in a way you can’t.

When supporters agree to join using P2P, they recreate your campaign as their own mini-campaign (think of it as cloning your campaign), taking on a portion of your overall fundraising goal. Now you have multiple campaigns reaching out -- and all connected to the same bank account!

So be fruitful. Multiply. And build your campaign’s worth! Hmm.

To get started, simply launch a fundraiser on LifeFunder and directly ask a core group of people to start Peer-to-Peer campaigns, and have them ask others to do the same.

The benefits of Peer-to-Peer fundraising

Tap into the exponential power of your network's network.

Deeper trust

Draw on the personal relationships of your best supporters to overcome the normal barriers for new donors. Peer-to-Peer campaigns build on the established trust of the individual who created it.

Wider reach

Activate individuals' networks to raise money and grow your supporter base exponentially. Peer-to-Peer campaigns enable you to reach people you would never have accessed otherwise.

Better ideas

Mobilize supporters to launch their own unique fundraisers to spark new ways of giving. Memorials, birthdays, graduations, events, competitions, and holidays become great occasions to give!

So what does a Peer-to-Peer fundraiser look like?

Here's a sample of how easy it is to customize a Peer-to-Peer fundraising page.

Why does Peer-to-Peer fundraising work?

The problem with traditional crowdfunding campaigns is that there is only one campaign and everyone is expected to go there and make a donation. But how do you know why someone gives or who convinced them to give?

With Peer-to-Peer, each individual's fundraising page can be shared by email, social media, or even print marketing. This way you know exactly who recruited each new donor and which campaign was most successful.

Why should you care?

A well-executed peer-to-peer fundraising campaign can bring in more money for your cause and establish new relationships for future giving.

Large goals can seem more achievable by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable goals. Give people the tools they need to join the effort and together we can reach new heights.

All campaigns on LifeFunder are ready for Peer-to-Peer fundraising and it involves a small application fee of 5% on each donation.

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Start a campaign with friends! Embrace the power of We!